Saturday, December 6, 2008

Chuvash Videos

It's that time again for Southern Baptists - LMCO - or Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
This annual offering for international missions allows us and more than 5000 others to serve the Lord throughout the world.

This week has been a busy one. Marc Hooks and I have been trying to get some video promotion pieces ready for you and your churches to use as you pray and give and think about joining us in the work overseas.

We got a lot done and the fruit of our labor can be seen at
There you can see some of the videos on the Chuvash People of Russia.
There you can follow the links to download these videos and handouts for use in your churches.
There you can learn more about how to join us as we seek to Engage Russia with the Good News.

Even if you don't plan to use them in your churches, I would encourage you to check this site out, watch the videos and pray together with us for the work among the Chuvash people. The site is brand new and under constant revision - so bookmark it and follow along.

Today is Saturday, a day off, a day planned with the family - glad for it -
(here's a sneak peak)

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