Friday, January 9, 2009

Cool Night Out

A night or two before Caleb had to leave - one last trip to Red Square.
Winter has finally settled in, it has been running in the teens Fahrenheit the past couple of weeks. For the most part we holed up, watched movies, tv, played games, and just enjoyed the warmth.
Winter break is just about over for the kids. We aren't mentioning the "s" word just yet, still the weekend to go.
The Engage Russia initiative is gaining momentum. Our team has expanded to Tim, Marc, Sarah D (doing research), and Jimmy B (photographer).
Keep an eye on - right now it is sending you to a blog, but soon and very soon it will be a full-fledged website with videos and prayer guides to download and use in your church. More later . . .
Enjoy the weather, whatever it is - - -

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