Looks like we have some concrete plans for the move!!!!
That does not mean it will happen, of course, but at least we have something to work towards.
Our new apartment is now almost empty, we meet the landlord today.
Lisa and I clean this evening and tomorrow, and begin to set up some of our stuff (some of our furniture has already been moved).
Wednesday - we clean and set up some more.
Thursday we move the rest of our stuff in a van, (the rest of our stuff is now in 4 different apartments across the city).
Hopefully we will be able to get the internet set up today or tomorrow. We will feel a whole lot more like we live here when we can unpack our suitcases and spread out a little bit.
We not only moved back to the field - back to our old place - but we are MOVING, with all that entails.
Lord willing, by the end of the week, we will be settled.
Pray for the move - pray for Tessa (running a fever for the 3rd day now) - pray for the upcoming vol. teams coming to Udmurtia - and here is a new one - Pray for the Chuvash People of Russia (more on that later!)
Living the Dream!
Tim for the Wickers
Celebration: Life-Giving or Mundane?
7 months ago
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