On Thanksgiving weekend it is our family tradition to trim the Christmas tree.
Yesterday, Rachel and I went through the balcony looking for all the boxes labeled 'Christmas'.
Lisa and Tess began the traditional baking of the peanut butter 'Kissy' cookies (no real Hershey Kisses this year - so a substitute was found).
With the tree finally put together and the boxes emptied - we began testing the lights. Two years without use did not do the lights any good. 3 of our 5 sets did not work. Since we always put the lights on first, and since it was already fairly late on Saturday evening - the tree trimming had to be delayed until today - Sunday afternoon - after a trip to 'Nash' to pick up more lights.
Every thing was set to the side and we decided to spend the evening playing Clue instead (for the 3rd time this weekend!).
Today we got our act together.
The tree is now trimmed.
The cookies were baked and eaten (and they were yummy!).
We watched the movie 'Elf'.
And now we are looking forward to the week.
I am thankful for Thanksgiving - for the time it gave us as a family to hang out - to play - to relax - to sing - to laugh - and to pray.
God is Good . . .