Yesterday evening we had 4 different guys over for dinner. All are now missionaries, with their families, in some way, shape or form. All of us have been involved in ministry in Russia for several years (total 45 years or more together).
The discussion went from topic to topic, but it was all about reaching the lost with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
As we were closing with a word of prayer, I became overwhelmed with a thought - literally tens of thousands of people have heard the Gospel as a result of these guy's collective ministries! Only the Lord knows exactly, but hundreds, if not thousands, will be in heaven because these men heard the call of the Lord to join Him in reaching Russia, and were obedient to that call.
Everyone here came from a different walk of like - a former bank executive, a carpenter, a school teacher, a journalist, welder and a homemaker. Not quite the 12 apostles, but in a way - yeah - just ordinary people that heard the call and responded.
How cool it is to be a part of something that Big.
Tim for the gang
Celebration: Life-Giving or Mundane?
7 months ago
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